Beard Electrolysis
I don't know how many of TVia's readers are either having electrolysis or are considering it, but since I have been going through it for some time I feel that a discussion of the subject might be in the general interest. At least I know what I'm
talking about now.
Methods: First off let it be explained that there are three systems available; thermolysis, electolysis and what is called electro-blend. In thermolysis the hair bulb is killed by heat alone, using high frequency current. In electrolysis a direct galvanic current is used that decomposes moisture and salt at the bottom of the follicle. This forms caustic soda which then chemically kills the bulb. Electro-blend is not a very common method and will only be adver- tised here and there. In this method a special mach- ine is used which actually combines the two types of current so that you get a shot of both at once thus utilizing the best aspects of both methods.
Time: How long it takes to remove a beard depends on three things primarily, the dexterity of the op- erator, the method that she is using, and the rate of regrowth. This latter is itself somewhat depend- ent on the method and on the skill of the operator, but also on the individual himself. A good operator using the best method can perhaps remove 600 hairs per hour. This figure isn't too much help in view of the fact that the density of hairs varies from one person to another. Moreover, beard hair on some men is coarser and more deeply rooted and consequent- ly more difficult to remove, requiring more time. However, from my personal experience I would give